Podcast #12 – Mike Richardson’s Programme

mike richards

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Kolejny PODCAST dla Waszej przyjemności nauki angielskiego! Tym razem fragment programu Mike’a Richardson’a.

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Mike Richardson’s Programme

Announcer: That’s all from the news room: next news at 10 p.m. We now begin our weekly programme “Problems” presented by Mike Richardson.

Mike Richardson: Hallo, this is Mike Richardson and I’m waiting for your calls on 715 4680. Oh, we’ve got our first caller now… Jim Parker from Coventry. Go ahead, Jim.

Jim: It’s about examinations. I think they are quite unnecessary. Many of my friends think so too. We would like to know what other people think about it.

Mike Richardson: Thank you, Jim, that’s an interesting problem. Well, what do you think about examinations? …. And now it’s time for a record. I have a letter here from Sheila in London. She says: “People play something by David Sussex for my cousin Tom. He’ll be sixteen on Thursday”. Happy birthday, Tom, and here’s the latest David Sussex single for you.


Well, that’s all for today. I’ll be back next Monday at the same time.

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