Hi guys!
Kolejny PODCAST dla Waszej przyjemności nauki angielskiego! Tym razem kilka słów m.in. o wieku.
Przypominam zasady pracy z PODCASTami:
Jednocześnie wykonujemy dane czynności:
Puszczamy plik dźwiękowy, słuchamy PODCASTu (najlepiej na słuchawkach), czytamy tekst na głos, starając się powtórzyć wymowę jak słyszymy (nie jak czytamy). Zaczynamy!
How old are you, Jim?
I’m sixteen. I’ll be seventeen next month.
How old is you mother?
She’s forty. She’ll be forty-one in December.
And how old is your grandmother?
She’s sixty-nine. She’ll be seventy in January.
I’m going to Stockholm next month.
How long will you be away?
For a week.
How will you get to Stockholm.
By plane.
How long will the journey take?
About two hours.
Where will you stay in Stockholm?
At the Baltic Hotel.
Could you post this letter for me, Philip?
Certainly, Dad. I’ll post it on my way to school.
Could you wash the car, Christopher? It’s very dirty.
Of course, Father. I’ll wash it this afternoon.
Could you do some shopping for your mother, Brenda? She’s very busy today.
Certainly, Father. I’ll do the shopping on my way back from school.