Podcast #3 – What are you going to do?

what are you going

Hi guys!

Kolejny PODCAST dla Waszej przyjemności nauki angielskiego! Tym razem kilka słów o planach na przyszłość. 

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I haven’t got a ballpoint.

What are you going to do?

I’m going to borrow one from Christopher.


I’m afraid it’s very late.

What are we going to do?

We’re going to take a taxi.


Linda likes children and books.

She’s going to be a teacher.

Brian loves animals.

He’s going to be a vet.

Alan is interested in aeroplanes.

He’s going to be a pilot.


I’m phoning to tell you about my plans.

I’m leaving from Kennedy Airport on Thursday.

I’m arriving in London at 8.30 p. m.


I’m phoning to tell you about my plans.

I’m going to Warsaw next week.

I’m leaving on Wednesday.


What are Christopher’s plans for the weekend, Helen?

What is he doing on Saturday?

He’s playing tennis in the morning.

He’s going to Kate’s birthday party in the evening.

And what is he doing on Sunday?

He’s spending the day on the river.

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